parking & directions

Charles Schwab Field Omaha Parking
Charles Schwab Field Omaha is located at 1200 Mike Fahey Street, within walking distance of the Old Market Entertainment and Shopping district and approximately 3.5 miles from the airport. For complete driving directions, view our Google Map. Surface parking is $10. Garage parking (when available) is $15. Cash payment and the following credit cards are now accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Bus parking (when applicable) is $25. In/Out parking is not allowed. NOTE: Parking Lot A and the CHI Health Center Omaha Garage are $15 during the Men’s College World Series (other rates may vary). Parking Lots B and D are reserved for permit parking. Click here to view our tailgating rules.
Charles Schwab Field Omaha is located at 1200 Mike Fahey Street, within walking distance of the Old Market & Capitol Districts.